Club Info

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The Hrvatski klub prijatelja dalmatinskih Pasa "DALMATINAC" (HKPDP "DALMATINAC") or international Dalmatian Club Of Croatia "DALMATINAC" (DCoC "DALMATINAC") was founded on 10.06.1991 in Zagreb and is thus the first Dalmatian club in Croatia.

It is an association of breeders and Dalmatian lovers (with and without dogs). As one of the first clubs in Croatia, the DCoC "DALMATINAC" has already drawn up a code of ethics in 2016, to which the club and its members feel committed.

Following this, the DCoC "DALMATINAC" is happy about every person - regardless of nationality, race, origin, gender - who wants to join the vision and mission of the DCoC "DALMATINAC".

Among other things, the aim of the club is a lively exchange between the members, the highlight of which is the annual Club Show.

Registered office:

Ilica 61, 1000 Zagreb

Register-No.: 1406

OIB 65858005188